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When it comes to reaching out to help those battling cancer, any amount can be a blessing!

We want to give families as much help as possible, whether helping to pay for out-of-state travel costs, just tracking down important resources, or a financial boost to get those pesky bills paid.  When you seek treatment for cancer issues, your main options are Charleston, Huntington, and Morgantown so more than likely you'll end up having to go to Cincinnati, Cleveland, Duke, or some other far afield city. 


With everything going up, the need is greater than ever for us to be able to help out where we can!

If you want to help, click on one of the boxes below, or you can send something to us on the following apps:

Venmo - ​@Chad-Beam-2

CashApp - $3BettiesFoundation

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    Be a beacon of HOPE to a local family
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    Be a beacon of HOPE to a local family
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    Be a beacon of HOPE to a local family
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    Every month
    Continue helping us Impact lives year long!

We've crunched some numbers, and for $26.25, we can put together a care package for a local cancer patient who has recently been diagnosed. 


This includes things like: Tissues, a journal and pen, anti-nausea bags, and much more!

A $50 dollar donation can be used to purchase a gift card or two for a local restaurant that can be given to a local patient to use when they don't feel up to cooking dinner. 


This way, someone can just drive down the road and pick up dinner from a local restaurant. 

A donation of $100 can go towards any number of possible needs within the business. 


Whether it's helping a family with some emergency bill pay, travel expenses, etc... Each battle is unique, just like each patient is unique.

A lot of folks today can't commit to giving one big amount all at once.  Things happen, trust me, we get it!  

How about you offer to send us a small amount more often to make the same big impact for someone else, but less of a financial burden for yourself?

“We are not put on this earth for ourselves, but are placed here for each other. If you are always there for others, then in time of need, someone will be there for you.

~Jeff Warner

Put your money to good use for a local family in need!

   When you or someone you love hear the words "You have cancer..." It rocks you to the core and you go numb for a while.  The next thought is "Do we have enough money for me to be able to take off work?" "Where can I find someone to help us with..."  

   This is where 3 Betties Foundation, Inc. comes in.  After watching our own friends and family fight through a cancer diagnosis, some successfully, some not, we've seen that there are needs out there that aren't being met.  Whether it's trying to find  a resource around town, or maybe the patient has to go out of state for an appointment and  needs help with travel expenses.  That's what we're here for!  


   Your donations go to help a local family dealing with a cancer diagnosis.  

   Unlike the national organization, your dollars will stay local because as West Virginians, we are raised to help our neighbors!

   If you have any other questions about how you can help, don't hesitate to email Chad at By ourselves we can accomplish a few things, but with your help we can make a much bigger impact!

Compass on map
Romantic Gift
Luggage and Woman's Stuff

3 Betties Foundation, Inc.

c/o Chad Beam

President/Founder, 3 Betties Foundation, Inc.

3325 W Dupont Ave 

Belle, WV 25015

© 2020 All Rights Reserved 

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