About Us
The story behind our "3 Betties"
This organization was started as a way to honor three special ladies in my life who were all tasked with a cancer battle, one of which was my own mom.
Seeing the grace and determination they displayed made me want to find out what needs aren't being met in our rural area and find a way to be a beacon of Hope in the midst of the dark times of a cancer diagnosis.
Each of the ribbons in the logo represents each one of the "Betties," and the cancer battle they faced."
Most folks don't realize, but the American Cancer chapters in WV shut down over the pandemic and haven't reopened yet, so if you need help you can call the 800 number and hope for the best, or you can contact us and see what needs we can help you with so you can focus on getting better!
-Chad Beam, President/Founder

in the life of someone fighting cancer!
You may think "I'm just one person, what can I do
to make a dent in the problem?"
You can look at our marketplace to purchase some merchandise to remember the memory of someone who lost their battle, or to support a current warrior!
Contact us about how to help impact the life of a WV family dealing with a cancer diagnosis! We can't help out if we don't know someone needs us to take up part of the fight for them.
Maybe your job or a hobby you have may lend itself to an event we could host, or you have an idea of a service we can offer?
Whether you wanna donate or have an idea of how else we can help. Maybe, you or someone you know needs a boost of some kind...We wanna hear from you! Email Chad at Herdfan-1@hotmail.com !

The time to help is NOW..What are you waiting on?

If you want to be the hope that someone needs, now's your chance! Let us know if you know of a situation that we need to jump in and help with! Drop Chad a line at Herdfan-1@hotmail.com, and we'll search out the resources you need, or however we can help you in your time of need!